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Acidophilic adenoma of the pituitary with polyneuropathy
  1. U. Sandbank,
  2. B. Bornstein,
  3. T. Najenson
  1. J. Casper Department of Pathology, Beilinson Medical Center, Israel
  2. The Department of Neurology, Beilinson Medical Center, Israel
  3. The Loewenstein Hospital, Rehabilitation Center, Tel-Aviv University Medical School, Israel


    An acromegalic man aged 70 developed progressive polyneuropathy affecting mainly the extremities. The peripheral nerves showed hypertrophic neuropathy and accumulation of acid mucopolysaccharides in the nerve without `onion bulb' formation. The myelin showed a lamellar disintegration and vesicular formation. It is suggested that the association of these findings represents a pathological entity, acromegalic polyneuropathy.

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