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Systemic vascular responses to increased intracranial pressure. 3. Effects of individual balloon inflations on intracranial pressure and the systemic circulation.
  1. W Fitch,
  2. D G McDowall,
  3. G M Paterson,
  4. W R Hain


    The effects of discrete increases in the volume of an artificial space-occupying lesion on intracranial pressures and the systemic circulation were studied in six anaesthetised and artificially ventilated dogs. Each increase in volume, accompanied by an increase in supratentorial intracranial pressure, a decrease in supratentorial perfusion pressure, and an increase in transtentorial pressure gradient, induced alterations in the systemic circulation. There were a decrease in heart rate, marked alterations in the arrhythmia index, and increases in stroke volume and systemic vascular resistance. A period of transient systemic hypertension was noted to accompany each discrete increase in intracranial pressure.

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