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HLA antigens in multiple sclerosis amongst Indians.
  1. N H Wadia,
  2. V S Trikannad,
  3. P R Krishnaswamy


    The infrequency of multiple sclerosis in India may have genetic implications. We found (a) the HLA-A3 and HLA-B7 haplotypes amongst Indians to be lower than those reported in Caucasians, (b) no excess of HLA-A3 and HLA-B7 amongst our 27 multiple sclerosis patients compared to 330 controls; instead it was the reverse, (c) HLA-B12 as high as 74% in the "clinically definite" cases, against only 9% in controls, (d) a significant relative risk of MS amongst Indians with HLA-B12 haplotype. Attention is drawn to th higher incidence of MS amongst the small Parsee community and the high association of HLA-B12 in these patients.

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