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MRI measurement of syrinx size before and after operation.
  1. R Grant,
  2. D M Hadley,
  3. D Lang,
  4. B Condon,
  5. R Johnston,
  6. I Bone,
  7. G M Teasdale
  1. Magnetic Resonance Unit, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK.


    When patients with syringomyelia fail to improve after operation, factors such as incomplete cyst decompression or type of operation are often implicated. MRI has been used to confirm adequate syrinx decompression post-operatively and to compare the degree of collapse with the type of operation. Foramen magnum decompression was at least as effective in reducing cyst size as syringo-subarachnoid shunting. MRI may also provide a better classification of syringomyelia.

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