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Neurologic Disorders in Women

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    Neurologic Disorders in Women. Edited bymerit e cudkowicz and michael c irizarry. (Pp 162.) Published by Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 1997. ISBN 0-–7506–9745–8.

    I was a little bemused when first presented with this book,Neurologic Disorders in Women. Like many things in life, I suppose I had always accepted that it was more hazardous to be male. After all, are we not always telling men with vascular disease that whereas they can reduce some of their risk factors they can’t change being male, or being aware of possible x linked adrenoleukodystrophies in young men with what has been labelled aggressive multiple sclerosis and then there are the x linked muscular dystrophies. So where is the neurological problem in being female? Migraines and epilepsy fluctuate with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy alters …

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