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Why an Australian editor for JNNP?
  1. Matthew C Kiernan
  1. Correspondence to Matthew C Kiernan, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute and Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Barker Street, Randwick, Sydney, NSW 2031, Australia; M.kiernan{at}

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There is a term that is rarely used nowadays that describes the Australian sensibility of being a little bit maverick, somewhat iconoclastic. The word is “larrikin”, and far from its original connotations, its modern day meaning suggests a character that thrives on adventure, on doing things a little differently.

It seems fitting then that the JNNP has appointed an Australian as its inaugural non-British editor. The adventurous spirit that buoyed British explorers sent out to discover the colonies centuries ago remains intact today in the independent spirit of Australians. The original British pioneers were not afraid to take a risk, albeit calculated; they were driven to explore, discover and expand. They were not inhibited by boundaries but were ever-mindful of the legacy that would remain for future generations. They may have been unconventional, a little unorthodox, but they were steadfast and bold.

My goals, with the assistance of a fine editorial team at the JNNP …

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