Table 1

Objectives of a multiple sclerosis service by level of illness

LevelObjectives of service(s)
PathologyMake initial diagnosis as rapidly as possible
Always check or confirm diagnosis, especially if new impairment
Diagnose (and manage) any secondary diagnoses arising as complication
Diagnose (and manage) any incidental diseases
Institute and monitor any disease modifying treatments
ImpairmentIdentify impairments present
Check that (new) impairments are due to multiple sclerosis (see pathology)
Consider significance/importance of impairment, and potential for amelioration
Institute and monitor impairment specific treatments
DisabilityIdentify disabilities present
Assess (diagnose) to discover impairments underlying disability (and check cause of impairments; see above)
Assess (diagnose) to discover environmental factors influencing disability
Institute and monitor impairment specific treatments (see impairment)
Institute and monitor treatments to reduce disabilities
Institute and monitor changes in environment (physical or personal)
HandicapIdentify previous, present, and wished-for social roles
Identify local resources which might facilitate increase in social activities
Assess for and obtain all financial and other benefits allowed
Institute and monitor actions to facilitate social role functioning
Patient distress
 (reduction of)
Provide information and emotional support, especially (but not only) at time of initial diagnosis
Control pain and other distressing impairments (for example, spasticity)
Carer stress
 (reduction of)
Provide information and emotional support, especially (but not only) at time of initial diagnosis
Provide practical support to extent wanted by patient and family