Table 2

Summary of the variables scored and the method of scoring in the six subtests of the myoclonus rating scale21 25

(A) Stimulus sensitivity:
   Stimuli: tendon tap to finger or toe, pinprick, loud noise, flash
of bright light, visual threat
  Range 0–8 for each of these 5 stimuli
(B) Motor impairment:0–96
   Spontaneous myoclonus: 0–32 (score 0–4 for each of 8 areas)
Action myoclonus frequency: 0–32 (score 0–4 for stereotyped
movement in each of 8 areas) 
Action myoclonus severity: 0–32 (score 0–4 according to degree of interference with function)
(C) Functional disability:0–28
   Score 0-4 for degree of impairment of speech, swallowing, eating
(knife and fork), washing, dressing, walking, handwriting
(D) Handwriting:0–10
  Signing name 0–5; copying 0–5
(E) Global assessment by investigator:0–4
  Score 0–4 for from none to severe
(F) Global assessment by patient:0–10
  Score 0–10 using 10 cm visual analogue scale
Adjusted sum score (A/40 + B/96 + C/28 + D/10 + E/4 + F/10) x 10/6)0–10
  • Type, frequency, and severity of myoclonus evaluated with scoring for stimulus sensitivity and motor impairment were assessed in eight body areas: eyes, face, neck, trunk, right and left arm, right and left leg.