Table 2

Interictal EEG and Ictal semiology of recorded seizures

Patient NoInterictal EEG focusIctal clinical and EEG features of recorded seizures
1F+SBSPA: diffuse spike and wave activity predominant on the anterior regions
2MI+SBSCP1: polyspike activity on the right temporal region
3MI+SBSPA: diffuse flattening of background activity
4L FPA: diffuse spike and wave activity predominant on the left frontal region
5L FT+SBSCP2: polyspike activity on the left frontotemporal region
6L F+SBSPA: diffuse slow spike activity predominant on the anterior regions
7MI+SBSCP2: low voltage fast activity on the left temporoparietal-occipital region
8MI+SBSPA: diffuse spike and wave activity
9R F+SBSPA: diffuse spike and wave activity
10R F+SBSCP2: diffuse spike and wave activity, Atonic drop: low voltage fast activity followed by diffuse  spike and wave
11R FT+SBSPA: diffuse spike, polyspike and wave activity
13MI+SBSCP3: diffuse flattening of background activity
14LT+SBSCP2: diffuse flattening of background activity followed by low voltage fast activity on the  anterior regions
16MI+SBSPA: diffuse spike and wave activity, Tonic drop: diffuse low voltage fast activity predominant  on the right frontal region
17R PO+SBSCP2: diffuse flattening of background activity
18R FT+SBSCP2: diffuse slow spike activity
20MI+SBSCP2: diffuse flattening of background activity
21R FCP2: right frontal spike activity
22R F+SBSPA: diffuse spike and wave activity predominant on the left frontal region
23R FCP2: right frontal flattening
24L FTCP1: left temporal low voltage fast activity
25L T
26R FT
29L F+SBSCP3: diffuse low voltage fast activity predominant on the left frontal region, Tonic drop:  diffuse low voltage fast activity predominant on the left frontal region
30Bil F+SBS
31MI+SBSCP2: diffuse low voltage fast activity predominant on the right anterior region, Tonic drop:  diffuse low voltage fast activity predominant on the right anterior region
  • Footnotes as for table 1.