Impairment scores of the cardinal neurological signs in Miller Fisher syndrome

 ScoreAdduction or abduction: 4=cannot rotate, 3=can rotate 10°, 2=can rotate 20°, 1=can rotate 30°, 0=can rotate 40° or more. Supraduction or infraduction: 3=cannot rotate, 2=can rotate 10°, 1=can rotate 20°, 0=can rotate 30° or more.
 Total scoreSum or impairment scores of each duction +n. (n=2(diplopia on forward gage), 1 (diplopia only on lateral gaze), or 0 (no diplopia)).
 ScoreUpper limbs: 3=severe, 2=moderate, 1=mild, 0=normal. Lower limbs: 3=severe, 2=moderate, 1=mild, 0=normal. Gait: 4=cannot maintain a broad based standing position, 3=can maintain a standing position but cannot walk independently, 2=can walk independently but positive Mann’s test, 1=negative Mann’s test but not normal, 0=normal.
 Total scoreSum of impairment scores of upper limbs, lower limbs, and gait ataxia.
 ScoreBiceps, triceps, quadriceps, and Achilles tendon reflexed in both sides: 2=absent, 1=diminished, 0=normal.
 Total scoreSum of impairment scores of each deep tendon reflex.
  • EOP = external opthalmoplegia. The total scores range from 0 to 30 for EOP, from 0 to 10 for ataxia, and from 0 to 16 for areflexia.