Table 2

Comparison of performance on neuropsychological test battery between NVAF cases and controls in sinus rhythm

Neuropsychological testMean score casesMean score controlsMann- Whitney U testWilcoxon matched pairs signed rank 2 tailed p value
General cognitive function or IQ:
Mini mental state examination (MMSE)26.327.20.30.2
 National adult reading test (NART)106.5110.30.070.1
Verbal and non-verbal memory:
Logical memory (immediate)37.441.10.50.4
 Logical memory (delayed)38.749.40.080.02
 Rey figure (copy)30.331.20.80.8
 Rey figure (delayed)
 Digit span subtest12.913.70.20.3
 Paced auditory serial addition test:
 PASAT 4 (s)41.953.80.0050.02
  PASAT 2 (s)25.634.70.010.08
  Telephone tasks
  Telephone search: (targets (n))
  Telephone search: time91.
  Dual task decrement16.
  Time per target5.
 Map search subtest:
 1 Minute left18.520.50.40.4
  1 Minute right3.
  2 Minutes left11.
  2 Minutes right9.713.30.050.08
  1 Minute total22.
  2 Minutes total21.