Table 2

Brain areas with relative CMRGlu reductions due to left frontal tumor

SideRegionXYZSizeDecreasez Score
IpsilateralCingulate gyrus (BA 32)−2644109−18%4.52
Middle temporal gyrus (BA 39)−50−6424253−15%4.03
ContralateralInferior parietal lobulus (BA 40)56−3432231−19%4.14
Cingulate gyrus (BA 23)2−2632447−13%3.99
Middle frontal gyrus (BA 6)26656157−16%3.63
  • BA=Brodman area; X; Y; Z=pixel coordinates of peak difference; size=area size (number of voxels, voxel size=2×2×4 mm); decrease=% reduction in patients for the respective peak coordinates; z score=score of peak difference (transformedt value). (SPM95, patients v controls: significance level p=0.01).