Table 1

Patient details and site of lesion (as defined on MRI) are shown in columns 2 and 3. In columns 4-8 examples of subtest scores are shown from each patient’s formal language assessment nearest to their PET.

PatientAge/sexSite of lesionComprehensive aphasia test (examples of subtest scores at optimal recovery)PET Performance
Ravens, NR 5-9, Max 12Auditory comprehension, NR 25-30, Max 30Naming, NR 42-48, Max 48Repetition, NR 30-32, Max 32Verbal fluency (animals), NR 11-24Estimated words/minEstimated error rate
158/FL temporal lobe + inferior parietal region122832251912.3<1%
2 28/FL temporoparietal72848311912.8<1%
3 32/FL temporoparietal (glioma)42844321219.8<1%
4 54/ML temporal lobe +inferior parietal region22832281016.748.4%
569/MSubcortical ischaemia7294332716.07.2%
6 64/ML perisylvian region72938291417.65%
  • The subtests are taken from the comprehensive aphasia test (CAT). The maximum possible scores (Max) are shown and also a normal range (NR), calculated from subtest scores on a cohort of normal subjects matched for age and sex. During PET a retrospective estimate of words generated was made in the wash out period between scans. The estimated rate of word retrieval/minute is shown in column 9 with an estimated error rate (given as a percentage of the total) in column 10. Errors were taken as any words that were not verbs, eg nouns and adjectives but which were still semantically related to the target word.