Table 4

Transcortical magnetic stimulation

PatientLatency to M tibialis anterior (ms) R/LC(MEP) amplitude (mV)Central latency (ms)
II–242.94-150/42.74-150 2.0/3.516.64-150/15.0
III–241.14-150/40.94-150 2.3/2.9NC/NC
III–339.6/40.44-150 1.6/2.713.7/17.44-150
III–438.04-150/36.84-150 4.8/4.0NC/NC
  • 4-150 Pathological values. NC=could not be calculated because the F-wave latency could not be measured.

  • Since neither F-wave latencies nor lumbar potentials could be determined in III-2 and III-4, no central latency could be calculated in these patients. However, the abnormal long latency to the M. tibialis anterior in these patients with only moderate peripheral motor NCV slowing suggests strongly a central involvement. Most interestingly, although severly affected, a pathological central latency could be determined in index patient III-3, which clearly demonstrates central motor involvement in this patient.