Table 2

Results of two way ANOVA for the specified variables (peak velocity, RMS displacement, V100, V200, and onset latency) averaged across all epochs.

Two way ANOVA: factors: group and conditionPeak velocityRMS displV100V200Onset latency
Group comparison:
PDvControl F=12.786 F=10.461 F=6.968 F=18.529 F=1.373
(dF=1, 12)p=0.004* p=0.007* p=0.022* p=0.001* p=0.264
PRD1 v PRD2 F=0.507 F=3.183 F=0.505 F=0.372 F=11.707
(dF=1, 12)p=0.49p=0.100p=0.491p=0.859p=0.005*
Condition×group F=0.494 F=0.165 F=0.03 F=0.531 F=1.098
(dF=1, 12)p=0.495p=0.691p=0.865p=0.416p=0.315
PRD1v NPD F=17.895 F=47.888 F=33.251 F=57.093 F=111.794
(dF=1, 12)p=0.001* p=1.6.10-5 * p=0.0001* p=1.10-5 * p=2.10-7 *
Condition×group F=0.959 F=2.655 F=3.223 F=5.082 F=1.122
(dF=1, 12)p=0.347p=0.129p=0.098p=0.044* p=0.310
  • The factors were group (patients with Parkinson’s disease and controls) and condition (PRD1, NPD, and PRD2). *p<0.05.