Table 3

Correlations of the various activation tasks and combined results with the AIMS and Goetz scales

DescriptionAcceleration vs AIMS scoreAcceleration v Goetz Spearman rank correlation
Spearman rank correlationPearson's logged acceleration
1Sit silent0.953-165 0.943-165
2Mental activation0.993-165 0.983-165
3Conversation0.973-165 0.943-165
1, 2, and 3“Sitting tasks“0.983-165 0.963-165 0.963-165
4Write0.973-165 0.913-150 0.953-165
5Drink0.883-165 0.953-150 0.783-150
6Prepare toast0.923-165 0.963-165 0.873-165
7Eat toast0.933-165 0.873-160
6 & 7Prepare and eat toast0.973-165 0.853-165
8Coat0.823-160 0.870.77
1–8All tasks0.973-165 0.913-165 0.953-165
9Walk0.723-150 0.633-160 0.63
  • (All p values <0.05;

  • 3-150 p<0.01;

  • 3-160 p<0.02;

  • 3-165 p<0.001)