Table 1

Preoperative features in suspected neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome

With cervical rib
Without cervical rib (n=17)
Presenting symptoms:
 Age at symptom onset (y (median))10–57 (35)21–58 (31)
 Duration of symptoms (median)Weeks–20 y (11 months)3 months–10 y (2 y)
 Arm pain2115
 Arm sensory disturbance2015
 Hand weakness1512
 Impaired hand function2014
 Vascular symptoms145
Preoperative examination findings:
 Decreased sensation14/2310/17
 Reduced muscle strength14/2311/17
 Muscle wasting10/237/17
 Reproduction of sensory disturbance
 by rolling the brachial plexus
 Positional obliteration of radial pulse12/2212/15
 Subclavian bruit43
Neurophysiological studies:
 Normal results1/152/14
 Decreased F5 SNAP9/1510/14
 Denervation of APB or FD1014/1510/14
 Denervation of forearm flexor muscles2/61/3
 Prolonged F waves6/137/12
 Prolonged wrist flexor reflex latency2/46/11
  • SNAP=Sensory nerve action potential; APB=abductor pollicis brevis; FD10=first dorsal interosseous muscle.