Table 2

Characteristics (means (SD)) of PD, SND, and PSP patients who completed the follow up at initial evaluation.

PD (n=12;
7 M, 5 F)
SND (n=14;
5 M, 9 F)
PSP (n=11;
5 M, 6 F)
p Value2-150
Age (y)57.7 (6.3)59.6 (6.4)62.8 (6.5) 0.20
Education (y) 8.6 (2.8) 7.2 (3.7) 8.0 (4.5) 0.31
Disease duration (y)12.1 (5.0)2-151 2-152  3.4 (1.4)2-152  2.4 (1.0)2-151 <0.0001
ADL scale12.3 (6.6)2-151 2-152 16.6 (6.2)2-152 19.7 (6.5)2-151  0.02
Hoehn and Yahr stage 3.1 (0.3)2-151 2-152  3.6 (0.3)2-152  3.6 (0.4)2-151  0.002
  • 2-150 Between group comparison by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA.

  • Post hoc comparisons by Mann-Whitney U test: p<0.05;

  • 2-151 PSP v PD, *PSPv SND,

  • 2-152 PD vSND.