Table 3

Between group comparison (means (SD)) at initial evaluation of cognitive results of PD, SND, and PSP patients who completed the follow up. Cognitive test scores except the Nelson test's were adjusted for age and education33–35

PD (n=12;
7 M, 5 F)
SND (n=14;
5 M, 9 F)
PSP (n=11;
5 M, 6 F)
p Value3-150
MMSE27.7 (2.1)27.4 (1.5)25.5 (2.7)0.10
Raven test29.0 (6.1)26.2 (6.1)22.2 (6.7)0.08
Short tale test12.1 (4.2)3-151 11.8 (3.4)3-152  8.0 (2.9)3-151 3-152 0.01
Verbal fluency37.1 (13.8)3-151 3-153 27.0 (5.9)3-152 3-153 15.1 (7.6)3-151 3-152 0.0001
Visual search test44.6 (4.1)3-151 43.9 (9.5)3-152 32.3 (14.7)3-151 3-152 0.03
Benton's test22.8 (3.5)3-151 23.4 (6.0)3-152 14.4 (6.4)3-151 3-152 0.001
Nelson's test (No of categories) 4.3 (2.1) 4.6 (1.6) 3.0 (1.7)0.12
  • 3-150 Between group comparison by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA.

  • Post hoc comparisons by Mann-Whitney U test: p<0.05;

  • 3-151 PSP v PD,

  • 3-152 PSPv SND,

  • 3-153 3-152PD vSND.