Table 4

Between group comparison (means (SD)) of percentage changes in cognitive and motor scores in PD, SND, and PSP patients. Cognitive test scores except the Nelson test were adjusted for age and education

PD (n=12;
7 M, 5 F)
SND (n=14;
5 M, 9 F)
PSP (n=11;
5 M, 6 F)
p Value4-150
MMSE −0.4 (6.2) −1.8 (9.1)−17.6 (25.9)0.15
Raven test +3.3 (13.3) +1.5 (24.4)−27.3 (45.4)0.25
Short tale test −1.6 (29.3) −0.1 (25.4)−14.0 (41.2)0.89
Verbal fluency −2.0 (18.2)−19.2 (23.9)−18.3 (33.0)0.14
Visual search test +0.8 (11.6)4-151 4-153 −18.1 (22.3)4-153 −40.0 (43.7)4-151 0.03
Benton's test −8.1 (16.1)−20.1 (21.6)−44.5 (40.6)0.11
Nelson's test (No of categories)+14.8 (46.1)4-151  −5.8 (62.4) −62.7 (54.5)4-151 0.01
ADL scale+37.9 (40.1)+57.1 (37.5)+80.3 (76.1)0.16
Hoehn and Yahr stage+13.9 (22.3)+16.2 (15.7) +8.0 (19.4)0.14
  • A plus sign indicates increasing score over time, a minus sign indicates score reduction.

  • 4-150 Between group comparison by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA.

  • Post hoc comparisons by Mann-Whitney U test: p<0.05;

  • 4-151 PSP v PD, †PSPv SND,

  • 4-153 PD vSND.