Table 3

Repeated measures ANOVA results for neurological measures3-151 3-152 3-153

MeasurePre-PVP3 month Post-PVPPre to 3 months p Value12 month Post-PVPPre to 12 months p Value
Right Mean (SD)Left Mean (SD)Total Mean (SD)Right Mean (SD)Left Mean (SD)Total Mean (SD)Right Mean (SD)Left Mean (SD)Total Mean (SD)
H and Y staging (I–V)
 On2.69 (0.60)2.62 (0.75)2.66 (0.12)1.69 (0.66)1.79 (0.76)1.74 (0.12)0.01** 1.73 (0.97)1.78 (0.74)1.75 (0.14)0.01**
 Off4.00 (0.71)4.00 (0.66)4.00 (0.12)2.65 (0.56)2.85 (0.70)2.75 (0.11)0.01** 2.65 (0.56)3.02 (0.75)2.84 (0.12)0.01**
UPDRS Total (0–199)
 On46.8 (9.0)44.4 (14.1)46.2 (2.0)20.6 (6.0)23.9 (11.1)22.3 (1.6)0.01** 21.6
23.7 (10.7)22.9 (1.7)0.01**
 Off88.2 (19.2)85.9 (17.5)87.1 (3.0)47.6 (12.2)50.9 (15.7)49.3 (2.5)0.01** 47.0 (11.4)52.1 (14.7)49.5 (2.3)0.01**
UPDRS Motor (0–144)
 On29.5 (8.1)28.8 (10.7)29.1 (1.7)13.8 (4.8)15.4 (8.9)14.6 (1.3)0.01** 14.7
14.8 (7.0)14.8 (1.2)0.01**
 Off55.6 (16.3)55.0 (13.1)55.3 (2.4)31.8 (9.2)32.6 (11.4)32.2 (1.8)0.01** 30.5
33.3 (11.1)31.9 (1.7)0.01**
UPDRS ADL (0–51)
 On15.5 (4.4)15.7 (4.8)15.6 (0.78)7.15 (4.0)7.90 (3.7)7.53 (0.63)0.01** 6.85
8.07 (3.4)7.46 (0.53)0.01**
 Off29.6 (6.7)30.9 (5.7)30.3 (1.0)16.2 (5.7)18.3 (5.4)17.3 (0.91)0.01** 16.2
18.6 (4.8)17.4 (0.75)0.01**
S and E ADL (0%–100%)
 On78.5 (8.0)75.3 (12.6)76.9 (1.9)89.6 (8.0)89.1 (7.1)89.4 (1.2)0.01** 87.7 (12.5)89.3 (7.0)88.5 (1.5)0.01**
 Off43.1 (13.2)44.5 (14.3)43.8 (2.3)67.3 (10.5)63.6 (16.8)65.5 (2.5)0.01** 66.9 (10.3)60.1 (15.4)63.5 (2.4)0.01**
Levodopa total daily dose (mg)3-154 481 (306)463 (212)468 (241)587 (329)500 (315)526 (318)0.19613
515 (406)545 (393)0.16
  • 3-151 No significant differences between right and left pallidotomy patients on neurological variables;

  • 3-152 time factor significant at p<0.01 for all variables unless noted;

  • 3-153 3 months did not differ significantly from 12 months on any neurology measure;

  • 3-154 p<0.18.

  • ADL=Activities of daily living; H and Y=Hoehn and Yahr staging, higher number indicates more impairment; S and E=Schwab and England activities of daily living scale, higher number indicates more independence; UPDRS=united Parkinson's disease rating scale, higher number indicates more impairment.