Total CSF and serum ADA and CSF ADA2 in patients with meningitis or a normal lumbar puncture (LP)

Diagnosis Total ADA CSF ADA2 % ADA2 Serum Total ADA
TBM (n=11)6.9 (4.2–69)7.0 (3.5–57)88.1 (80.5–100)47.8 (43.5–85.1)
CM (n=9)4.4 (2.5–10.9)3.9 (1.2–6.1)68.21-150(43.6–93.2)45.9 (26.6–48.7)
ABM (n=13)3.6 (1.1–11.4)1.7 (0.1–5.4)37.9 (5.6–56.7)15.7 (7.0–34.4)
Aseptic (n=9)0.3 (0–2.7)25.7 (10.3–42.4)
Normal LP (n=19)0 (0–3.7)37.3 (10.7–97.8)
p Value (ANOVA)0.0050.027<0.0001<0.0001
  • All results are median and range, except for %ADA2(mean and range). TBM=tuberculous meningitis; CM=cryptococcal meningitis; ABM= acute bacterial meningitis.

  • 1-150 Three subjects with CM had %ADA2 >80%.