Table 3

Disease progression data for the total cohort with complete datasets (n=289). In trial disability changes of categorical EDSS trend analyses by (A) six subsets and (B) three disease course categories

n (%)Two year EDSS differenceAUC (in EDSS-year)
Mean (SD)Median (Q1, Q3)Mean (SD)Median (Q1, Q3)
(A) Six subsets of EDSS trends
  Minimal change57 (20)+0.03 (0.36)0 (0 to +0.5)+0.02 (0.50)0 (−0.35 to +0.25)
  Sustained improvement17 (6)−1.44 (0.43)−1.5 (−2.0 to −1.0)−2.22 (0.70)−2.07 (−2.61 to −1.64)
  Erroneous improvement24 (8)−0.27 (0.86)0 (−1.0 to +0.5)−1.30 (0.54)−1.31 (−1.63 to −0.88)
  Fluctuating course107 (37)+0.12 (0.85)0 (−0.5 to +0.5)+0.21 (0.67)+0.27 (+0.26 to +0.72)
  Erroneous progression40 (14)+0.53 (0.79)+0.5 (0 to +1.0)+1.26 (0.76)+1.28 (+0.77 to +1.95)
  Sustained progression44 (15)+2.03 (0.98)+2.0 (+1.0 to +2.5)+3.14 (1.58)+2.95 (+1.83 to +4.06)
(B) Three disease course categories
  Stable course74 (26)−0.31 (0.73)0 (−0.5 to +0.5)−0.50 (1.10)−0.06 (−0.82 to +0.12)
  Relapsing-remitting171 (59)+0.16 (0.87)0 (−0.5 to 0)+0.24 (1.01)+0.33 (−0.51 to +0.94)
  Progressive course44 (15)+2.03 (0.98)+1.5 (+1.0 to +2.5)+3.14 (1.58)+2.95 (+1.83 to +4.06)