Table 4

Demographic and clinical features and hippocampal volume (HV), corrected for brain size, of the subsets of children with severe or mild head injury used for the HV analysis

Severe CHI (n=25)Mild CHI (n=25)p Value
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)
Age at test (y)11.90 (3.64)12.31 (2.91)0.67
(age range 5.9–17.0)(age range 6.1–15.9)
Age at injury (y) (mean (SD))10.61 (3.18)10.92 (3.10)0.73
Injury-study interval (y) (mean (SD))1.40 (1.39)1.30 (1.39)0.81
Parental education (y) (mean (SD))13.72 (2.46)14.54 (2.72)0.27
GCS score5.40 (1.87)14.44 (0.71)0.0001
Sex (n (%)):
 Boys15 (60)17 (68)0.56
 Girls10 (40)8 (32)
Left HV (mean (SD))4-151 21.95 (3.66)22.28 (2.40)0.7
Right HV (mean (SD))4-151 21.36 (5.37)23.38 (2.17)0.09
  • GCS=Glasgow coma score.

  • 4-151 Ratio obtained by dividing hippocampal volume by intracranial area to control for intersubject variation in brain size.