Table 3

Symptomatic measurements

Variable CFS patients n=66 Depressed patients n=15 Sedentary controls n=30 ANOVA p Value
HAD anxiety score5 (2–8)10 (7–13)7 (4–10)0.0005
HAD depression score5 (2.5–7.5)11 (9–13)5.5 (1.5–9.5)<0.0001
Somatic amplification score10 (7–13)7 (4.5–9.5)5.5 (2–9)0.03
PSQI sleep score6 (4.5–7.5)9 (5–13)5 (2–8)0.08
Total fatigue318 (47)296 (67)213 (52)<0.0001
Mental fatigue155 (132–178)150 (120–181)106 (89–123)<0.0001
Physical fatigue175 (159–192)138 (107–169)101 (90–122)<0.0001
Chalder fatigue30 (25.5–34.5)27 (20–34)14 (9.5–18.5)<0.0001
SF-36 physical function45 (35–55)85 (70–100)93 (73–100)<0.0001
SF-36 role physical0 (0–25)50 (0–100)100 (75–100)<0.0001
SF-36 bodily pain62 (41–83)44 (31–52)84 (74–94)<0.0001
SF-36 general health37 (25–50)45 (23–68)67 (55–79)<0.0001
SF-36 vitality25 (15–35)20 (5–35)60 (46–64)<0.0001
SF-36 social function38 (13–63)50 (31–69)100 (84–100)<0.0001
SF-36 role emotional67 (34–100)0 (0–33)100 (83–100)<0.0001
SF-36 mental health64 (53–75)36 (22–50)74 (61–88)<0.0001
  • Values are mean (SD) or median (interquartile range).

  • Normal or usual scores are 14 for Chalder questionnaire, 200 for total fatigue, and 100 for physical and mental fatigue scores (visual analogue scales). 100 is the maximum (full capacity) SF-36 score for subscales. A score< 8 on hospital anxiety and depression (HAD) scale is considered non-pathological. A Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) score<6 is considered non-pathological.