Table 1

Demographic and microscopic features of the depressed and control groups

Depressed group n=20 Control group
Test statistic p Value 95% CI
Age (y)1-150 75.0 (7.37)74.2 (7.46)0.300.77−5.45 to 4.05
Sex (M/F)7/137/131.00
Age of onset of depression (y)1-150 63.8 (14.83)NANANA
Postmortem delay (h)1-150 34.55 (22.72)28.0 (16.18)1.050.30−19.18 to 6.08
Plaque count (/mm)1-150 1.5 (1.74)1.36 (2.96)1340.07
Tangle count (/mm)1-150 0.058 (0.20)0.006 (0.014)1840.68
Braak stage1-151 116.250.18
Lewy body count (cm2)1-150 0 (0)0 (0)NA1.00
Total microvascular1-151
Frontal microvascular1-151
  • 1-150 Values are mean (SD) and comparisons are made using unpairedt tests except for plaque and tangle scores which are Mann-Whitney tests.

  • 1-151 Values are medians and comparisons are made using Fisher-Freeman-Halton tests.