Table 1

Rub epilepsy cases1-150

Ref (1st author) Year of onset Sex Trigger zone Induced seizures1-151 Frequency
Goldie4 7MR faceR unilateral tonicDaily
Foster3 Case 310ML palmL unilateral tonicWeekly
Vignal5 Case 17ML anterior thoraxL unilateral tonicDaily
Case 215FL iliac fossaL unilateral tonicDaily
Present studyCase 118ML anterior headL unilateral tonicDaily
Case 214FL anterior shoulderL unilateral tonicDaily
Case 312FL legL unilateral tonicDaily
  • 1-150 The case reported by Rae6 was excluded because only a painful stimulus to the hyperaesthetic area elicited seizures and emotional excitement was also reported to trigger them in that case. The case reported by Strauss7 was also excluded, because rubbing the skin at any point on the right half of the body or a similar rubbing of symmetric points on both sides of the body simultaneously provoked seizures.

  • 1-151 In all cases, sensory jacksonian seizures preceded motor seizures.