Table 3

Mean (SD) change scores, 95% CI, t values, and correlation coefficients for repeat measures taken over a 5 hour interval in the afternoon for control subjects

VariableMean change score (D)SD of change score (SDdiff)95% CIt ValueProduct moment correlation (r)Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC(2,1))
GC, gait cycle.
Speed (m/min)1.20 (faster)3.3−5.3 to 7.7−1.3660.9190.96
Cadence (steps/min)1.13 (higher)2.4−3.6 to 5.8−1.7930.9360.92
Stride length (m)0.00539 (longer)0.046−0.085 to 0.096−0.4350.9410.99
Double limb support (% GC)0.35 (greater)1.6−2.8 to 3.5−0.7220.871