Table 2

Baseline and follow up data for parahippocampal volume, hippocampal gyrus volume, and MTA score

Hippocampus volume at baseline*
Highest tertileMiddle tertileLowest tertilep Value trend analysis
(A) Baseline and follow up data according to hippocampal volume at baseline:
Baseline data
    Age (y)60.6 (8.6)65.9 (8.4)66.9 (10.9)0.15
    MMSE score27.8 (1.7)27.9 (1.7)27.3 (2.1)0.50
    Delayed recall (z score)−1.15 (0.84)−0.42 (0.84)†−1.1 (0.80)†0.94
Follow up data
    Change MMSE0.0 (2.2)§−0.78 (1.7)−4.7 (4.4)§0.002
    Change delayed recall0.73 (1.2)§−0.33 (1.2)†−0.29 (1.5)¶0.18
    AD/no AD at follow up (% AD)0/9 (0)1/8 (13)6/5 (55)†0.003
    CD/no CD at follow up (% CD)0/6 (0)§2/7 (30)8/3 (72)†0.001
Parahippocampal gyrus volume at baseline*
Highest tertileMiddle tertileLowest tertilep Value trend analysis
(B) Baseline and follow up data according to parahippocampal gyrus volume at baseline:
Baseline data
    Age (y)64.2 (10.4)64.2 (9.3)66.1 (10.0)0.69
    MMSE score27.0 (2.0)28.2 (1.9)27.8 (1.7)0.31
    Delayed recall (z score)−0.93 (0.92)‡−0.80 (0.93)−1.05 (0.76)0.80
Follow up data
    Change MMSE−0.86 (2.3)**−1.1 (3.1)−4.6 (4.5)†0.05
    Change delayed recall0.61 (1.3)**−0.11 (1.2)†−0.64 (1.4)‡0.09
    AD/no AD at follow up (% AD)2/10 (17)2/8 (20)3/4 (43)†0.24
    CD/no CD at follow up (% CD)2/7 (22)§3/7 (30)5/2 (71)†0.05
MTA score at baseline*
Highest tertileMiddle tertileLowest tertilep Value trend analysis
Values are means (SD). *Tertiles are based on a reference population of healthy subjects. A low tertile score indicates a small hippocampal or parahippocampal gyrus volume, or an high MTA score; †one patient with missing data; ‡two patients with missing data; §three patients with missing data; ¶four patients with missing data; **five patients with missing data.
MMSE, Mini mental state examination; AD, Alzheimer type dementia; CD, cognitive decline: patients with Alzheimer type dementia at follow up or patients with severe cognitive decline at follow up without dementia.
(C) Baseline and follow up data according to MTA score at baseline:
Baseline data
    Age (y)59.2 (8.1)67.9 (2.0)68.8 (10.1)0.01
    MMSE score28.3 (1.4)27.8 (1.9)27.0 (2.0)0.08
    Delayed recall (z score)−0.86 (0.72)†−0.58 (1.1)−1.1 (0.80)†0.46
Follow up data
    Change MMSE score−0.73 (2.1)†−1.2 (1.6)†−3.9 (5.0)¶0.05
    Change delayed recall score0.11 (1.4)§0.14 (1.4)†−0.16 (1.3)¶0.67
    AD/no AD at follow up (% AD)1/11 (8)0/6 (0)6/6 (50)†0.01
    CD/no CD at follow up (% CD)2/9 (18)†0/5 (0)†8/3 (73)‡0.01