Table 3

Number of patients positive for embolic signals and number of signals before and after start of secondary prevention in relation to the administered antithrombotic agent

Secondary prevention initiated after 1st TCD monitoring
Antiplatelet agentIntravenous heparin
ES positiveES/hour Mean (range)ES positiveES/hour Mean (range)
*Patients received ticlopidine (one patient) or clopidogrel (five patients) added on ASA.
TCD, transcranial Doppler; ES, embolic signals; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid.
No antithrombotic premedication:
    1st TCD monitoring2315.8 (1–46)1015.6 (3–57)
    2nd TCD monitoring103.3 (1–6)1015.3 (3–67)
Preexisting ASA, stopped after 1st TCD:
    1st TCD monitoring234.5 (15–54)
    2nd TCD monitoring238.5 (20–57)
Preexisting ASA, continued:
    1st TCD monitoring68.5 (3–19)36.3 (1–10)
    2nd TCD monitoring0*37.7 (1–5)