Table 1

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of five patients with an unusual variant of ocular myasthenia gravis

Patient 1Patient 2Patient 3Patient 4Patient 5
*Episodes without corticosteroid therapy only. –, Absent or negative; AChR, acetylcholine receptor; F, female; M, male; MRI, magnetic resonance image.
Clinical features
    Age at onset (years)4050443763
    Prominent ptosis+
    Muscle fatiguability (at disease onset)
    Subacute disease manifestation+++++
    Number of episodes75244
    Mean duration of episodes (weeks)*312296
    Concomitant diseasesHypothyreosis
Diagnostic findings at disease onset
    MRI lesions in orbita/cerebrum
    Tensilon test
    Decrement in repetitive nerve stimulation (5 Hz)
    Anti-AChR antibodies
Diagnosis initially proposedMidbrain lesionIncomplete external oculomotor nerve paresisBilateral external oculomotor nerve paresisAbducens nerve paresisTolosa-Hunt syndrome