Table 2

Scalp video EEG results and further choices according to the new classification of the patients (see text)

Neurophysiological presurgical study: scalp EEGFurther step
ant, anterior; c, central; EEG, electroencephalogram; f, frontal; ic, intracerebral; L, left; o, occipital; p, parietal; post, posterior; R, right; S, spike; S-W, spike and waves; t, temporal.
Case 1Video EEG: one seizureNormal background activityL ant and mid temporal rhythmic theta activity, temporal S-W diffused to central areaSurgical intervention
L temporal theta diffused to frontal
L temporal S-W
Case 2Video EEG: two seizuresNormal background activityLow voltage fast activity predominant in R f-t, rhythmic slow S at 1 Hz, predominant in R f-tSurgical intervention
Monomorphic delta in mid-temporal lead
S, poly S, S-W in R ant and mid-temporal lobe
Case 3Video EEG: one seizureNormal background activityFlattening in R temporal, diffusing to f-c, recruiting S-W at 2 Hz in R f-t regionSurgical intervention
Spike activity in R f-c-t lobes
Case 4Video EEG: no seizureSlow L background activitySurgical intervention
Slow waves in L c-p-t
S-W, poly S-W in L c-p, sometimes R
Case 5Video EEG: seven seizuresSlow background activityIrregular delta waves, flattening, low voltage recruiting fast activity in L ant frontal regionStereo EEG: 12 ic electrodes in R f-t
Delta activity in L f-c
S, poly S, poly S-W in L f-cSeizures: 9 spontaneous, 19 with stimulation
CoA (case 6)Video EEG: three series of spasmsAbsence of background activityFast diffused flattening with rhythmic fast activity and low voltage fast activity in L frontal regionStereo EEG: 11 ic electrodes in L f-c
Bilateral f-c-t delta with diffusionSeizures: 12 spontaneous, 4 with stimulation
Focal S and S-W on L f-c region with diffusion to R f-c
12 Hz rhythmic activity
Case 7Video EEG: four series of spasmsSlow background activityDiffused low voltage fast activity, predominant in L post regionStereo EEG: 12 ic electrodes in L t-o-p
Continuous delta activity in L t-o
S, S-W, poly S-W in L f-c-tSeizures: 8 spontaneous, 5 with stimulation
Case 8Video EEG: eight seizuresSlow background activityLow voltage fast activity in R f-c-t, high voltage slow waves in t-p, then recruiting activityStereo EEG: 11 ic electrodes in R c-p
Continuous delta activity in R hemisphere
S, S-W in R hemisphereSeizures: 15 spontaneous, 4 with stimulation
Case 9Video EEG: seven seizuresSlow L background activityRhythmic slow waves in L f-c, diffuse flattening predominant in L f-cStereo EEG: 13 ic electrodes in L f-c
Multifocal L slow S
Seizures: 3 spontaneous, 10 with stimulation
Case 10Video EEG: six seizures + one status of minor motor episodesSlow background activityDiffused attenuation followed by low voltage fast activity in R f-c-t region, rapid S-W mainly in R ant frontal regionStereo EEG: 10 ic electrodes in R f-t
Slow waves in R frontal diffusing to L ant
Seizures: 1 spontaneous + status of minor motor episodes