Table 5

Individual postoperative changes of cognitive, behavioural, and functional variables in the 20 patients with a 12 month follow up

Improvement (SD >+1)No change (SD +1 to −1)Decline (SD < −1)
Variable3 Months6 Months12 Months3 Months6 Months12 Months3 Months6 Months12 Months
ADL-UPDRS, activities of daily living subscale of the unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale; MMSE, mini-mental state examination; MWCST, modified Wisconsin card sorting test; PDQL, Parkinson’s disease quality of life questionnaire.
Raven’s progressive matrices ’4720%25%25%60%45%50%20%30%25%
Rey’s immediate recall5%20%30%55%55%50%40%25%20%
Rey’s delayed recall15%15%40%45%60%35%40%25%25%
Digit span forward5%15%10%80%75%70%15%10%20%
Digit span backward25%40%30%35%25%40%40%35%30%
Corsi’s span forward45%35%30%50%65%65%5%0%5%
Corsi’s span backward25%15%10%70%75%85%5%10%5%
Letter verbal fluency0%10%0%74%63%79%26%26%21%
MWCST: No of criteria0%0%0%83%89%83%17%11%17%
MWCST: total errors33%33 %39%55%61%50%11%6%11%
MWCST: perseverative errors39%33%44%61%67%44%0%0%11%
Zung’s depression scale76%58%65%12%25%29%12%17%6%
Zung’s anxiety scale50%37%47%37%50%47%12%12%6%
ADL-UPDRS, off drug treatment100%100%100%0%0%0%0%0%0%
ADL-UPDRS, on drug treatment0%10%5%95%90%95%5%0%0%