Table 2

Comparison of the proportion of positive answers for each IHS criterion among headache sufferers interviewed by both lay interviewers and an expert

IHS criteriaLayExpertAgreement*False positive†False negative‡p Value§
Values are per cent.
 *Agreement rate including positive and negative responses.
 †Proportion of subjects with the IHS criterion according to the lay interviewers and without it according to the expert.
 ‡Proportion of subjects with the IHS criterion according to the expert and without it according to the lay interviewers
 §McNemar test.
 IHS, International Headache Society.
At least five attacks during life98.098.596.
Attacks lasting 4 to 72 hours54.077.364.76.129.3<0.0001
At least two of the headache characteristics below80.377.573.514.711.80.41
    Moderate to severe89.289.787.
    Aggravated by physical activity41.667.261.86.331.9<0.0001
At least one associated symptom68.471.879.48.612.00.29
    Nausea and/or vomiting40.256.974,74.321/1<0.0001
    Photophobia and phonophobia59.865.675.19.615.30.096