Table 5

Comparison of data based publications regarding development of neurogenic fever

Benedek et al26Mixed population:
 Cranial trauma (n=6) and brain surgery (n=5)Central medial forebrain involved in all cases. Indomethacin reduced fever in 10/11 patientsFirst 24 hours post-injury. Likely secondary fever from IL-1 release, not neurogenic fever
Meythaler and Stinson1Severe TBI (n=3)Initial GCS ⩽4, prolonged coma in all cases. Intraventricular haemorrhage present in 2/3 casesCase reports. Propranolol was used successfully for treatment
Whyte et al11Severe TBI patient (n=1)Patient with known NF in acute post-injury phase had chronic thermoregulatory deficits 3 years post-injury. Basilar skull fracture, brain stem injury, prolonged comaCase report
Childers et al2TBI patients admitted to rehabiliation unit within 45 days of injury (n=84)Incidence: 4% in this populationRetrospective study focused on incidence. Used algorithmic approach to determine presence of NF
Clinchot et al3Mixed brain injured population (n=286) on rehabilitation unit, TBI (n=226)Unexplained fever occurred in 7% of TBI patients during rehabilitation stayRetrospective study focused on incidence of fever and determining aetiology
Sazbon and Grosswasser4TBI patients in prolonged coma (>1 month) (n=134)Presence of NF within first week following injury was significant for predicting non-recoveryRetrospective study
Heindl and Laub24Mixed population of children: 
 TBI (n=82) and hypoxic brain injury (n=45)Neurogenic fever in patients with TBI was correlated with lower Barthel Index scores at 19 month follow upRetrospective enrolment
Thompson et alTBI patients (n=76)DAI and frontal lobe injury are independently predictive, skull fracture and lower GCS are individually predictive of development of NFRetrospective study. Developed predictive model