Table 3

Performance of groups on cognitive tests at the initial evaluation by final diagnosis

Tests Mean (SD), rangeDeveloping dementiaStable QDSignificance Mann-Whitney U (two tailed)*Significance χ2†
*Mann-Whitney U analysis conducted to compare groups on continuous predictor variables;
†χ2 analysis conducted to compare groups on predictor variables recoded to categorical variables (above and below the 5th centile rank).
Working memory, abstraction, problem solving
    Digit span-forwards (max 14)8.2 (2.4), 4–13, n=378.4 (2.6), 4–14, n=900.691
    Digit span-backwards (max 14)6.1 (2.5), 2–13, n=376.7 (2.2), 2–14, n=900.128
    Similarities (max 28)13.4 (7.1), 0–26, n=3716.0 (6.3), 0–27, n=910.0460.424
    Picture completion (max 20)12.3 (4.5), 2–18, n=3713.3 (4.4), 3–19, n=910.2510.305
Episodic memory
    Story recall-immediate (max 56)11.6 (9.9), 0–37, n=3718.8 (10.8), 0–47, n=910.0010.000
    Story recall-delayed (max 56)6.0 (10.1), 0–37, n=3713.8 (12.6), 0–45, n=910.0010.001
    Percentage story retained (del/imm×100)31.7 (38.0), 0–100, n=3758.1 (42.4), 0–155.6, n=910.0010.001
    Visual recognition (max 10)7.8 (2.4), 0–10, n=378.8 (2.2), −1–10, n=920.0150.003
    Verbal learning-learning index (max 1.0)0.15 (0.10), 0–0.42, n=320.23 (0.16), 0–0.90, n=840.0030.146
    HVLT total list recall (max 36)14.2 (5.6), 3–26, n=3217.8 (4.6), 7–30, n=860.0010.021
    Verbal recognition (max 12)7.3 (2.7), 0–11, n=319.6 (2.2), 0–12, n=850.0010.004
Language and executive function
    Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test (max 15)14.3 (0.7), 13–15, n=3514.3 (0.9), 11–15, n=890.9170.828
    Verbal fluency36.6 (11.5), 9–56, n=3641.1 (11.1), 18–69, n=870.0440.145
    Weigl’s colour form sorting (max 4)3.5 (0.8), 1–4, n=353.6 (0.8), 1–4, n=920.6760.588
Cognitive speed
    Digit copy-age scaled score (max 210)102.9 (20.5), 53–151, n=37106.5 (20.1), 60–155, n=860.3840.510
Visuospatial function
    Cube analysis (max 10)9.2 (1.3), 4–10, n=379.4 (1.5), 0–10, n=910.3980.896