Table 2

Plasma catecholamines* at rest and in response to HUT

MeasurementControlsPossible MSAProbable MSAp Value
*Values are means (SE).
HUT, head up tilt; Ad, adrenaline; NS, not significant; NA, noradrenaline; DA, dopamine.
aPost hoc comparisons (p<0.001): controls v patients with probable MSA.
bPost hoc comparisons (p<0.01): controls v patients with probable MSA.
cPost hoc comparisons (p<0.05): patients with possible MSA v patients with probable MSA.
Ad at rest (pg/ml)41 (6)48 (7)32 (4)NS
ΔAd (pg/ml)22 (5)17 (7)13 (7)NS
NA at rest (pg/ml)247 (30)b229 (35)c113 (19)b,c<0.05
ΔNA (pg/ml)142 (15)a122 (19)c50 (12)a,c<0.01
DA at rest (pg/ml)17 (4)13 (3)14 (4)NS
ΔDA (pg/ml)7 (4)2 (1)0 (3)NS