Table 1

Outline of focal neuropathies in the upper limb

NerveSite of lesionCommon causesMotor deficitSensory deficitDifferential diagnosis
MedianCarpal tunnelEntrapment, diabetes, hypothyroidism, connective tissue diseaseAbductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicisThumb, index and middle fingerC6 or C7 radiculopathy; local pathologies
UlnarElbow (cubital tunnel)External compression, trauma (recent or distant)Long flexors of little and ring fingers, finger abductors and adductors and lumbricalsLittle and ring fingersMore distal or proximal ulnar lesion; motor neurone disease; T1 lesions
RadialUpper armExternal compression, traumaFinger and wrist extensors, some weakness of brachioradialisAnatomical snuffboxC7 radiculopathy
AxillaryHumeral headTrauma, humeral headDeltoidLateral shoulder
UlnarWrist (Guyon’s canal) or handCompression (cycling), entrapmentWrist: adductor pollicis, interosseous muscles and hypothenar muscles Hand: adductor pollicis, interosseous musclesWrist: little and half ring finger Lesions in the hand: noneMotor neurone disease, Syringomyelia, T1 radiculopathy
Long thoracicNot clearUsually unknown; traumaSerratus anterior; winging of scapularNoneNeuralgic amyotrophy
Anterior interosseous branch of median nerveJust below the elbowFibrous bands, traumaFlexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus of index finger (loss of pinch sign), pronator quadratus
Posterior interosseous branch of radial nerveAs nerve enters supinator muscleEntrapment, traumaFinger extensors: finger drop without wrist dropNoneC7 radiculopathy, upper motor neurone lesions, neuralgic amyotrophy
SuprascapularSuprascapular notchTrauma, lifting (rucksack)Supraspinatus and infraspinatusNoneShoulder pathology, neuralgic amyotrophy
MusculocutaneousTrauma, iatrogenicBicepsLateral forearmC6 radiculopathy