Table 1

Clinical data on the patients in the study

Patient NoSex/age (years)HandednessDiagnosis/tumour locationSymptom
L, left; MMT, manual muscle testing; R, right.
1Male/57RightGlioblastoma/L superior frontal-cingulate gyrusR weakness (4/5 according to MMT, one month after tumour removal), seizure
2Male/36RightAstrocytoma/R superior frontal gyrusNo neurological deficit (diagnosed incidentally)
3Male/49RightOligoastrocytoma/R pre- and post-central gyrusPsychomotor seizure
4Male/38RightAstrocytoma/L precentral gyrusSeizure
5Female/51RightGlioblastoma/L postcentral gyrusR weakness (five months’ history of fine movement disorder), seizure
6Male/60LeftGlioblastoma/R postcentral gyrusDysaesthesia in left thumb