Table 2

 Relationships between background (clinical, demographic, pre-SAH) data and selected psychosocial outcome measures

n†BICRO-39 scalesMood Disturbance (HADS+RIES)†
Productive EmploymentMobilitySelf-Organisation
†These NS refer to correlations with BICRO scales. Sample size is reduced by 3 for correlations with Mood Disturbance; *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.005 (all tests two-tailed); all tests non-parametric (Spearman’s ρ or Mann-Whitney U tests).
Demographic characteristics
    Age49r = 0.32*r = 0.06NSr = −0.06NSr = −0.12NS
    Gender49Z = −0.70NSZ = −1.47NSZ = −0.24NSZ = −0.92NS
Clinical presentation
    Glasgow Outcome Scale score49Z = −1.72NSZ = −1.930.06Z = −0.46NSZ = −0.12NS
    Dysphasia at 3 months49Z = −2.10*Z = −2.40*Z = −2.56**Z = −1.60NS
    Immediate prose recall at 3 months43r = −0.37**r = −0.12NSr = −0.12NSr = −0.13NS
Prior history
    Life stress (objective)—RLCQ49r = −0.03NSr = −0.24NSr = −0.05NSr = 0.12NS
    Life stress (subjective)—LCU49r = 0.13NSr = 0.10NSr = 0.19NSr = 0.22NS
    Health problems past year49r = 0.25NSr = 0.38**r = 0.12NSr = −0.04NS
    Mental health treatment (ever)46Z = −0.07NSZ = −0.72NSZ = −0.70NSZ = −2.00*