Table 4

 Comparison of outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children with TBM

BCG scarp value
†A two sample t test was used for comparison of means. Values are mean (SD).
‡χ2 tests were used for comparison of proportions. Values are n (%). Data available on 63 patients.
§χ2 test for trend.
No of children9654
Hospital stay†20.7 (12.3)22.3 (14.2)0.65
Shunt surgery (n = 63)‡20/41 (48.7)11/22 (50.0)1.000
Outcome†§Total no (%)
    Normal16 (10.6)8 (50.0)8 (50.0)0.018*
    Mild sequelae47 (31.3)26 (55.3)21 (44.6)
    Severe sequelae60 (40.0)42 (70.0)18 (30.0)
    Death20 (13.3)15 (75.0)5 (25.0)
    Not known7 (4.6)7 (100)0 (0.0)