Table 4

 Primary clinical outcomes (VAS and HAQ) by offer of scan

OutcomeScan offerednBaseline mean (SD)1 year meanDifference at 1 year, Y−NAdjusted difference at 1 year*, Y−N (95% CI)p* (offer of scan)
*Controlling for baseline and HADS status.
VAS worryN4259.8 (32.2)42.9−0.12−4.47 (−15.27 to 6.33)0.41
Y5468.6 (25.4)42.8
HAQ health, worry and preoccupationN346.91 (4.45)6.47−0.430.22 (−1.26 to 1.70)0.77
Y485.69 (4.20)6.04
HAQ fear of illnessN334.88 (3.71)4.67−0.210.31 (−0.84 to 1.45)0.60
Y504.10 (4.03)4.46
HAQ reassurance seeking behaviourN351.71 (1.58)2.26−0.47−0.39 (−0.93 to 0.16)0.16
Y501.56 (1.43)1.78
HAQ life interferenceN334.03 (2.74)2.91−0.18−0.20 (−1.12 to 0.72)0.66
Y514.04 (2.10)2.73