Table 1

 Clinical features of the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs)

Cluster headacheParoxysmal hemicraniaSUNCT syndrome
*Nausea, photophobia (often ipsilateral to the pain) or phonophobia.
†May have photophobia ipsilateral to the pain.
SUNCT, Short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing.
Sex (F:M)1:42:11:2
    TypeStabbing, boringThrobbing, boring, stabbingBurning, stabbing, sharp
    SeveritySevere to excruciatingExcruciatingModerate to severe
    SiteOrbit, temple, faceOrbit, templePeriorbital
Attack frequency1/alternate day–8 daily1–40/day1/day–30/hour
Duration of attack15–180 minutes2–30 minutes5–240 seconds
Autonomic featuresYesYesYes (prominent conjunctival injection and lacrimation)
Migrainous features*YesYesNo†
Alcohol triggerYesOccasionalNo
Indometacin effect++