Table 5

 Validation of accepted diagnostic criteria for migraine with aura (validation sample, n = 274)

Set of criteriaSensitivity (n = 221)*Specificity (n = 53)†
n%95% CIn%95% CI
*Patients with migraine with aura. The sensitivity is the proportion of patients fulfilling the selected set of diagnostic criteria.
†Patients with non-aura reversible visual disturbances. The specificity is the proportion of patients not fulfilling the selected set of diagnostic criteria.
‡Homonymous: in one side of the visual field.
Aura fulfils at least two of the following three characteristics:
    Homonymous‡ visual symptoms and/or unilateral sensory symptoms}
    At least one aura symptom develops gradually over ⩾5 minutes and/or different symptoms occur in succession over ⩾5 minutes199 90 86% to 94%51 96 91% to 100%
    Each symptom lasts ⩾5 minutes and ⩽60 minutes