Table 2

 Expected performance: subgroup characteristics

Three clustersFour clustersFive clusters
*Mild depression
Only patients in the non-tremor dominant subgroup demonstrated any significant deficits (one standard deviation below healthy controls) for pattern (PRM) and spatial recognition memory (SRM). These patients were also severely impaired on the Tower of London (TOL) task of executive function (††two standard deviations below healthy controls) and along with those patients with rapid motoric progression, also showed higher scores on the Beck depression inventory (BDI).
NT+, non-tremor dominant; NT+m, non-tremor dominant with moderate cognitive impairment; NT+s, non-tremor dominant with severe cognitive impairment; RDP+, rapid disease progression; T+, tremor dominant; YO, younger onset.
PRM ††
TOL †† †† ††