Table 2

 The location and size of new infarcts on diffusion weighted imaging of magnetic resonance images in the four groups

InfarctNon-WML (n = 31)Mild WML (n = 69)Moderate WML (n = 59)Severe WML (n = 69)p Value
*p<0.05, non-WML v severe WML.
†p<0.05, mild v severe WML.
LI, lacunar infarct; WM, white matter; WML, white matter lesion.
New infarcts on DWIFrontal lobe4 (12.9%)4 (5.8%)5 (8.5%)3 (4.3%)
Parietal lobe2 (6.5%)2 (2.9%)3 (5.1%)3 (4.3%)
Temporal lobe3 (9.7%)1 (1.4%)0 (0%)2 (2.9%)
Occipital lobe2 (6.5%)1 (1.4%)1 (1.7%)3 (4.3%)
LocationBasal ganglia1 (3.2%)9 (13.0%)6 (10.2%)7 (10.1%)
Deep WM2 (6.5%)*12 (17.4%)†12 (20.3%)29 (42.0%)0.02
Cerebellum0 (0%)0 (0%)1 (1.7%)0 (0%)
Brain stem1 (3.2%)6 (8.7%)5 (8.5%)3 (4.3%)
Multi-foci16 (51.6%)34 (49.3%)26 (44.1%)19 (27.5%)
SizeLI3 (10.7%)11 (15.9%)10 (16.9%)11 (15.9%)
Non-LI28 (89.3%)58 (84.1%)49 (83.1%)58 (84.1%)0.82