Table 1

 Summary of neuropsychological data for patients 1 and 2

Patient 1Patient 2
*Normal: <18.
N, normal; NA, not assessed. Impaired performances are indicated by an asterisk. Abbreviations for the tests42: BORB, Birmingham Object Recognition Battery; Columbia, Columbia Association Test; POP, Poppelreuter’s figures; RAVLT, Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning test. Recognition of facial emotions is part of a prosopagnosia battery.43 The adapted Hooper and Stroop-like tests were developed in Lausanne.44 Mood alterations were evaluated using the French version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD)45 and PTSD-like symptoms were assessed using the Impact of Event Scale (IES).46
    Recognition of embedded figures (POP)9/98/8
    Hooper visual organisation test (adapted version)15/2014/20
    Recognition of celebrities (actors,5/55/5
    politicians, etc)
    Recognition of facial emotions12/1212/12
    Colour naming10/1010/10
    Position discrimination (BORB)33/40NA
    Object recognition in non-canonical25/256/6
    views (BORB)
    Stereognosia (objects, right hand)5/56/7
    Stereognosia (objects, left hand)5/55/7
Semantic memory
    Semantic memory: Columbia11/129/12
    Semantic memory: description of6/68/12*
    visual features
Executive functions
    Phonological fluency (1 min)165*
    Categorical fluency (1 min)1715
    Design fluency (repetitions)41 (6*)38 (6*)
    Perseveration in Luria’s graphomotor3/20*2/20*
    Clinical go/nogo task10/10 (N)10/10 (N)
    Non-colour Stroop (interference/<2 (N)<2 (N)
    naming phase)
Behaviour/emotional scales
    Global DEX score5/80*10/80*
    Occasional emotional signs (reported in the DEX)ApathyImpulsiveness
    Other artistic/diet changesNoneNone
Psychiatric scales
    HAD Depression4/217/21
    HAD Anxiety16/21*6/21
    IES scale>30NA