Table 2

 Neuropsychological performances of 44 patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis matched individually to 44 controls according to age, sex, and educational level

Neuropsychological tests% RRMS†RRMSControls
For all tests, the results are expressed as mean (SD) number of correct answers except for go-no-go (ratio sequential reaction time/simple reaction time) and Stroop test (ratio time to the interference Stroop task/time to the colour naming task).
†Percentage of patients scoring below the 5th centiles of paired healthy control scores for each cognitive test (n = 44).
‡Number of patients and healthy controls, respectively, with low/middle/high educational levels.
Probability (p) values relate to comparison between paired RRMS patients and controls determined by the paired Student t test for all variables except for sex and educational level (χ2 test): *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001; p values over 0.05 were considered as non-significant.
BNT, Boston naming test; CLTR, consistent long term retrieval; DR, delayed recall; LTS, long term storage; PASAT, paced auditory serial addition test; RFF, Ruff figural fluency test; RRMS, relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; SDMT, symbol digit modalities test; SRT, selective reminding test; WLG, word list generation test; 10/36, spatial recall test evaluating short term visuospatial memory; 10/36-DR, spatial recall test evaluating long term visuospatial memory.
Age (years)38.20 (9.48)37.81 (10.80)
Sex (M/F)14/3014/30
Educational level‡19/13/1219/9/16
SRT LTS2551.25 (12.25)*56.61 (9.00)
SRT CLTR3040.86 (16.34)*47.73 (11.32)
SRT-DR189.88 (2.17)**10.93 (1.40)
10/361120.11 (4.74)21.98 (4.97)
10/36-DR166.73 (2.38)**8.20 (1.77)
SDMT4841.39 (11.71)****56.82 (9.46)
PASAT 3 s2341.73 (14.52)**47.73 (9.14)
PASAT 2 s3931.57 (14.30)***40.66 (8.86)
WLG024.14 (6.39)26.32 (6.96)
Similarities2017.59 (4.94)****21.09 (3.52)
BNT023.77 (2.73)24.34 (2.52)
RFF1011.61 (4.83)13.48 (5.64)
RFF2010.45 (7.02)11.82 (6.42)
Go-no-go71.07 (0.13)1.11 (0.12)
Stroop test361.87 (0.90)***1.34 (0.29)