Table 1

 Clinical details of the patients

Patient 1Patient 2Patient 3
Anti-AChR, anti-cholinergic receptor antibodies; CT, computed tomography; EMG, electromyography; MCD, mean difference between consecutive discharges; MG, myasthenia gravis; ND, not done; SF-EMG, single fibre electromyography; UES, upper oesophageal sphincter.
Age (years)282528
Date of diagnosisOctober 2000May 2001December 2001
Approximate time until diagnosis4 months24 months12 months
Grade of dysphagiaNeed for nasogastric tube; aspiration pneumoniaSolidsSolids and liquids
Weight lossSevereNoneModerate
Oesophageal fluoroscopyContrast passage to airwayNormalND
EndoscopyAcute lesions of gastric mucosaNDNormal
Oesophageal manometryNDPeristaltic contractions of low amplitude; frequent simultaneous contractionsReduced UES pressure; peristaltic contractions of low amplitude
Conventional EMGNormalNormalND
2 Hz Repetitive stimulationNormal in right abductor digiti minimi, right trapesius, and right nasalisNormal in right abductor digiti minimi, right trapesius, and right nasalisNormal in left nasalis
Stimulated SF-EMGMean MCD = 78 µs; 10 of 19 fibres with an increased MCD, three with blockingMean MCD = 26.3 µs; 10 of 37 fibres with an increased MCD, two with blockingMean MCD = 23.4 µs; 3 of 34 fibres with an increased MCD, two with blocking
Anti-AChR antibodiesNegativeNegativePositive (5.7 nmol/l)
Thyroid hormonesNormalNormalNormal
Thoracic CT2 cm diameter mass in the thymus compartment of doubtful natureNormalNormal
Edrophonium testAbsence of a clinically appreciable responseAbsence of a clinically appreciable response but transient increase in amplitude of oesophageal peristaltic contractionsEquivocal response during the manometric study
TreatmentPyridostigmine, plasma exchange (two courses), and prednisone (90 mg daily)PyridostigminePyridostigmine
Date at last follow upMarch 2004April 2004April 2004
Status at last follow upNeither dysphagia nor other symptoms attributable to MG; right residual hemiparesis but able to walkDecrease in speed of eating; occasional difficulties with foods of high consistency; no other symptoms attributable to MGDecrease of speed of eating; frequent difficulties with foods of high consistency; no other symptoms attributable to MG
Treatment at last follow upPrednisone (20 mg every other day) and pyridostigmine (240 mg daily)Pyridostigmine (180 mg daily)Pyridostigmine (240 mg daily)