Table 1

 Baseline characteristics for all 80 randomised patients

First amantadine, then placeboFirst placebo, then amantadine
MRC, Medical Research Counsil; GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome; FSS, Fatigue Severity Scale. All baseline characteristics were measured at visit 1. Ranges: *0 to 60; †0 to 6; ‡1 to 7.
Sex, n
Median age at start of study, years (range)47.5 (19 to 77)52 (24 to 82)
Median duration after diagnosis, years (range)3.8 (0.5 to 13.1)2.6 (0.5 to 15)
MRC sumscore distribution*, n (%)
    48–574 (5%)8 (10%)
    58–5912 (15%)7 (9%)
    6024 (30%)25 (31%)
GBS disability score distribution,† n (%)
    130 (38%)26 (33%)
    27 (9%)13 (16%)
    33 (4%)1 (1%)
FSS score‡, median (range)5.9 (5.1 to 7.0)6.0 (5.0 to 7.0)